It is easy for me to play Babanuki
Infinitive “It is (adj) for (person) to (verb) – It is easy for me to make presentations. It is hard for me to study math. It is fun for me to study Japanese.
Print two copies of the same page. Remove one joker from your print set. Apply color backing to the cards. Hand one set to each group of students.
The rules of Babanuki apply here. Have the students hand out the cards and proceed to go around in a circle. Once the students has plucked a matching pair from the other students hand. They will place the matching pair on the table and make a sentence with the cards. For example: A student finds a card with “boring” on the top. He/She will make the sentence: “It is boring for Ryuji to speak Japanese.”
Last person with the “joker” card loses the round. Also, as there are not many cards, encourage students to do multiple rounds of the game.
These characters come from the popular game Persona 5.