Passive By Board Game

Passive by Board Game


Passive “be + past participle + by” – Shogi was played by Miyagawa Daisuke on Tuesday


Print the board and bring dice. Get the students into groups and play the game. 


This is a board game I created for “be + passive + by”. I think I stole this design from somewhere, but I remade it into my own thing. I don’t remember where I got the idea from, but when I do. I’ll make sure to mark it here. 

Anyways, play this like you would any other board game. Roll the dice, land on the square and make a sentence with the images provided on the square. 

Upon reflection, this board game may have been designed in a way that can be confusing. Sometimes, you can put a lot of work into something and think it’s perfect only to find flaws once presented. So to be clear, I have made a little guide on how the students should make the sentences in the square. 

If you look at the example, the student is presented this image featuring Miyagawa Daisuke. The sentence should be “Shogi was played by Miyagawa Daisuke on Saturday.” In that case, First, look for the subject and move to the verb, then person and finally time. 

Even though I am critical of this work, perhaps its a postive as the students have to think on how to make the sentence without it being completely clear and laid out evenly in front of them. I personally never had a problem with it until I used it in a special needs class. Mayhaps, you can make something better! If you do, please share it with me. 

Also, there are two spaces for rest, treat them however you would like.


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